Import/Export Overview

Import CSV

FuelGauge allows you to import Users or Projects from the Import CSV menu, which can be reached by navigating to Settings>Import CSV.

Users Import

If you would like to import users instead of adding them in the Users menu, you can do so using the following steps:

  1. On the Import CSV screen, click Download Sample File under Users Import and save the file anywhere you like.

  2. Open the sample file, and you’ll see the available fields in the top row, and a sample user in the second row, which indicates the required data format for import.

  3. Enter the information for as many users as you wish to add. The only required fields are Email, Password, First Name, and Last Name.

  4. When you have finished entering in the user’s or users’ information, save your file.

  5. Back on the FuelGauge Import CSV screen, select Choose File under Users Import, then find and select the file.

  6. Finally, click the Import button to complete the import process.

Project Import

If you would like to import users instead of adding them in the Users menu, you can do so using the following steps:

  1. On the Import CSV screen, click Download Sample File under Projects Import and save the file anywhere you like.

  2. Open the sample file, and you’ll see the available fields in the top row, and a sample user in the second row, which indicates the required data format for import.

  3. Enter the information for as many projects as you wish to add. The only required fields are Name, Client, Category, Due Date, Project Revenue, and Rep.

  4. When you have finished entering the project’s or projects’ information, save your file.

  5. Back on the FuelGauge Import CSV screen, select Choose File under Projects Import, then find and select the file.

  6. Finally, click the Import button to complete the import process.

Export CSV

FuelGauge allows you to export Projects, History, Comparisons, or Fixed Expenses from the Export CSV menu, which can be reached by navigating to Settings>Export CSV.

Export Projects

To export projects from the Dashboard, take the following steps:

  1. Under Dashboard Projects on the Export CSV screen, select a From Date and a To Date. This is the timespan of projects you’d like to export.

  2. Next, check the boxes next to each field you would like to export. If you would like to export all fields, you can click Select All above the field names.

  3. When you have the fields selected that you’d like to export to a CSV, click Export CSV.

  4. Save the file wherever you wish, and you can manipulate the data in an offline spreadsheet for reporting and analysis.

Export History

To export the History Table data, take the following steps:

  1. Under History on the Export CSV screen, check the boxes next to each year you would like to export. If you would like to export all years, you can click Select All above the field names.

  2. When you have the years selected that you’d like to export to a CSV, click Export CSV.

  3. Save the file wherever you wish, and you can manipulate the data in an offline spreadsheet for reporting and analysis.

Export Comparisons

To export the Comparisons Table data, take the following steps:

  1. Under Comparisons on the Export CSV screen, check the boxes next to each year you would like to export. If you would like to export all years, you can click Select All above the field names.

  2. When you have the years selected that you’d like to export to a CSV, click Export CSV.

  3. Save the file wherever you wish, and you can manipulate the data in an offline spreadsheet for reporting and analysis.

Export Fixed Expenses

To export the Fixed Expenses Table data, take the following steps:

  1. Under Fixed Expenses on the Export CSV screen, check the boxes next to each year you would like to export. If you would like to export all years, you can click Select All above the field names.

  2. When you have the years selected that you’d like to export to a CSV, click Export CSV.

  3. Save the file wherever you wish, and you can manipulate the data in an offline spreadsheet for reporting and analysis.