Comparisons Overview
The Comparisons screen of FuelGauge is used to compare financial data for categories and reps. The top of the screen features a table with all the financial data for a selected year, while the bottom of the screen features a financial data for individual reps, either in table or graph form.
Categories Table Overview
The categories table displays all the financial information from your projects in a given year, broken down by categories. All categories that are “Active” are displayed in the top section, while “Inactive” categories are displayed in the bottom section. There is a row for each category and a column for each month. There are also three summary rows and two summary columns. To the right of all the months, there is a YTD (year-to-date) Total and a Grand Total for the category.
The YTD Total adds up the revenue of all months up to the current month.
The Grand Total column sums all the revenue, including future months.
Below the categories are Gross, Expenses, and Net rows.
The Gross row sums all the revenue for each category for the month.
The Expenses row includes the project and rep expenses for any project in that month.
Subtracting the Expenses number from the Gross equals the Net number, which is essentially net revenue for all the projects in the month with an Active category.
The Inactive Projects section of the table includes data only from projects with an Inactive Category. This section is structured the same as Active Projects.
Below both the Active Projects and Inactive Projects sections is the Totals Section. This totals up all the projects, either active or inactive, for a for an all-inclusive Gross Total, Expense Total, and Net Total.
You can also use the Add Category button in the top right to add a category to your FuelGauge account. This can also be done in Settings>Categories.
If you have multiple reps in your business, you can compare the revenue they’re bringing in with the Grid View or Chart View. Each project that is assigned to a rep will be included in the monthly total for that rep. Each rep will be listed in the leftmost column of the table.
On the Chart View tab, you can see the same data in graph form. This is helpful to visualize the difference between reps and see trends for reps over time.
Also, you can use the Add Rep button to add a rep instead of going to Settings>Reps.