How to Add Projects

The Add Project button in the navigation panel is the main way to add projects to your FuelGauge account. The other way is by doing a project import, which is covered in another support article. 

Below are the steps to creating a project in FuelGauge:

  1. The Add Project form starts with a Location dropdown. The default is the Dashboard, but you also have the option to select the Ice Box if you are creating a project but don’t have a due date yet.

  2. Next, enter the Project Title. This should be brief, but also clear enough that other users in your account will have no trouble understanding.

  3. The Client field is where you select who you are doing the project for. All previously used or created clients will appear in the dropdown, and you can search by beginning to type in the name of a client. If you don’t have any clients yet, or need to make a new one, you can select Add New, and it will open a new field to create a new client. This new client can then be selected from the dropdown.

  4. Next, select a Category. Just like the Client dropdown, you can type to find a category or click the Add New option to create a new category and immediately assign the project to it. The categories will help you visually segment your revenue in the Comparisons screen.

  5. Due Date: this field opens up a date picker. Simply select the date that the project is due. It will show up on the dashboard in the week and month that you select.

  6. Enter the Project Revenue. This is the amount you have agreed to bill your client for the project. If this is not a set number until it is completed, that’s ok. You can always edit it later. The project revenue is the main number that goes into the calculation of your revenue for each week, month, and year.

  7. The Rep field is for selecting who is responsible for a project. If you have multiple sales reps, you can add them to the dropdown menu using the Add New option.

  8. The Rep Cost field is optional, but it is useful if you have a direct cost associated with the rep. If you have outsourced this rep or using them temporarily, you may choose to assign that cost directly to the project rather than using a fixed expense.

  9. The Expenses field is used to assign any project expenses to the project. By clicking the + button, you can open the Add Expense options. Each expense needs an amount and a description. These project expenses should be unique to the project. It is not recommended that you use this for recurring monthly expenses like rent, payroll, or insurance as these should be housed in the Fixed Expenses area. You can add as many expenses to one project. Each time you click the + button, it will allow you to add another. By selecting the dropdown, you can see both the total expense amount and each expense you have added.

  10. The Repeat field allows you to set up recurring projects. The options for this are monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Monthly repeated projects will populate in the same week each month. Quarterly repeating projects will populate in the same week of the 3rd month after occurence. (ex. Jan. and Apr. or Sep. and Dec.) Annually recurring projects will appear in the same week of the month each successive year.

  11. The Recurring End Date field is used to set an end date to repeating projects. By setting this date, any recurring projects that would have appeared after the End Date will not be populated.

  12. Finally, the Notes field is for any notes that you want to attached to the project. This can be useful to describe the project in greater detail, house the terms of a project, or keep any notes as the project progresses.

  13. Once all the fields are filled (at least the required ones - Title, Category, Due Date, Revenue, Rep), you can either save the project alone, and this will close the window, or you can save and duplicate to quickly enter in another similar project. If you wish to close out of the project creation process, you can click the Cancel button at any time or hit the X in the upper right corner of the pop-up window.